Source code for

"""The `soccer` module implements the `SportMonks soccer HTTP API v2.0.

from os.path import join
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Dict, List, Iterable, Union, Any, Optional
from datetime import date
from requests import get
from sportmonks import _base
from sportmonks._types import Response, Includes

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SoccerApiV2(_base.BaseApiV2): """The ``SoccerApiV2`` class provides SportMonks soccer API client.""" def __init__(self, api_token: str) -> None: """Parameter ``api_token`` is the API token from the SportMonks profile web page."""'Initialize soccer API client') super().__init__(base_url='', api_token=api_token)'Client initialized, metadata=%s', self.meta())
[docs] def meta(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return meta data that includes your SportMonks plan, subscription, and available sports.""" # Meta data does not have a dedicated endpoint. Use a data endpoint with fast response and extract meta from its # response. url = join(self.base_url, 'continents')'Fetch metadata') raw_response = get(url=url, params=self._base_params, headers=self._base_headers) response = raw_response.json() return response['meta']
[docs] def bookmaker(self, bookmaker_id: int) -> Response: """Return a bookmaker."""'Fetch bookmaker (id=%s)', bookmaker_id) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('bookmakers', str(bookmaker_id)))
[docs] def bookmakers(self) -> Response: """Return all bookmakers."""'Fetch all bookmakers') bookmakers = self._http_get(endpoint='bookmakers')'Fetched %s bookmakers', len(bookmakers)) return bookmakers
[docs] def continent(self, continent_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return a continent. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 10. Valid objects are: `countries`. """'Fetch continent (id=%s), includes=%s', continent_id, includes) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('continents', str(continent_id)), includes=includes)
[docs] def continents(self, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return all continents. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 10. Valid objects are: `countries`. """'Fetch all continents, includes=%s', includes) continents = self._http_get(endpoint='continents', includes=includes)'Fetched %s continents', len(continents)) return continents
[docs] def country(self, country_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return a country. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `continent`, `leagues`. """'Fetch country (id=%s), includes=%s', country_id, includes) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('countries', str(country_id)), includes=includes)
[docs] def countries(self, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return all countries. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `continent`, `leagues`. """'Fetch all countries, includes=%s', includes) countries = self._http_get(endpoint='countries', includes=includes)'Fetched %s countries', len(countries)) return countries
[docs] def league(self, league_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return a league. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `country`, `season`, `seasons`. The `season` include Return current season of the league. The `seasons` include Return all seasons of the league, including the current season. """'Fetch league (id=%s), includes=%s', league_id, includes) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('leagues', str(league_id)), includes=includes)
[docs] def leagues(self, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return all leagues. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `country`, `season`, `seasons`. The `season` include Return current season of the league. The `seasons` include Return all seasons of the league, including the current season. """'Fetch all leagues, includes=%s', includes) leagues = self._http_get(endpoint='leagues', includes=includes)'Fetched %s leagues', len(leagues)) return leagues
[docs] def season(self, season_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return a season. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 10. Valid objects are: `league`, `stages`, `rounds`, `fixtures`, `upcoming`, `results`, `groups`. """'Fetch season (id=%s), includes=%s', season_id, includes) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('seasons', str(season_id)), includes=includes)
[docs] def seasons(self, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return all seasons. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `league`, `stages`, `rounds`, `fixtures`, `upcoming`, `results`, `groups`. """'Fetch all seasons, includes=%s', includes) seasons = self._http_get(endpoint='seasons', includes=includes)'Fetched %s seasons', len(seasons)) return seasons
[docs] def season_results(self, season_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return completed fixtures of a season. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 1. Valid objects are: `localTeam`, `visitorTeam`, `substitutions`, `goals`, `cards`, `other`, `corners`, `lineup`, `bench`, `sidelined`, `stats`, `comments`, `tvstations`, `highlights`, `league`, `season`, `round`, `stage`, `referee`, `events`, `venue`, `odds`, `flatOdds`, `inplay`, `localCoach`, `visitorCoach`, `group`, `trends`. """ includes = ['results'] + ['results.' + inc for inc in includes or []]"Fetch results of a season (id=%s), includes=%s", season_id, includes) season_results = self.season(season_id=season_id, includes=includes) if isinstance(season_results, dict): season_results = season_results['results'] else: raise TypeError('Expected `dict`, got `%s`' % type(season_results))'Fetched %s results', len(season_results)) return season_results
[docs] def fixtures(self, start_date: date, end_date: date, league_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return fixtures between ``start_date`` and ``end_date``. The dates are inclusive. Parameter ``league_ids`` specifies leagues from which the fixtures will be returned, defaulting to all leagues. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 3. Valid objects are: `localTeam`, `visitorTeam`, `substitutions`, `goals`, `cards`, `other`, `corners`, `lineup`, `bench`, `sidelined`, `stats`, `comments`, `tvstations`, `highlights`, `league`, `season`, `round`, `stage`, `referee`, `events`, `venue`, `odds`, `flatOdds`, `inplay`, `localCoach`, `visitorCoach`, `group`, `trends`. """ endpoint = join('fixtures', 'between', start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))'Fetch fixtures, from=%s, until=%s, league ids=%s, includes=%s', start_date, end_date, league_ids or 'all leagues', includes) fixtures = self._http_get(endpoint=endpoint, params={'leagues': league_ids or []}, includes=includes)'Fetched %s fixtures', len(fixtures)) return fixtures
[docs] def fixture(self, fixture_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return a fixture. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 10. Valid objects are: `localTeam`, `visitorTeam`, `substitutions`, `goals`, `cards`, `other`, `corners`, `lineup`, `bench`, `sidelined`, `stats`, `comments`, `tvstations`, `highlights`, `league`, `season`, `round`, `stage`, `referee`, `events`, `venue`, `odds`, `flatOdds`, `inplay`, `localCoach`, `visitorCoach`, `group`, `trends`. """'Fetch fixture (id=%s), includes=%s', fixture_id, includes) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('fixtures', str(fixture_id)), includes=includes)
[docs] def team_fixtures(self, start_date: date, end_date: date, team_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return fixtures between ``start_date`` and ``end_date`` for a team specified by ``team_id``. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 3. Valid objects are: `localTeam`, `visitorTeam`, `substitutions`, `goals`, `cards`, `other`, `corners`, `lineup`, `bench`, `sidelined`, `stats`, `comments`, `tvstations`, `highlights`, `league`, `season`, `round`, `stage`, `referee`, `events`, `venue`, `odds`, `flatOdds`, `inplay`, `localCoach`, `visitorCoach`, `group`, `trends`. """ endpoint = join('fixtures', 'between', start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), str(team_id))'Fetch fixtures of a team (id=%s), from=%s, until=%s, includes=%s', start_date, end_date, team_id, includes) team_fixtures = self._http_get(endpoint=endpoint, includes=includes)'Fetched %s team fixtures', len(team_fixtures)) return team_fixtures
[docs] def fixtures_today(self, league_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return today's fixtures, played and to be played. Parameter ``league_ids`` specifies leagues from which the fixtures will be returned, defaulting to all leagues. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 10. Valid objects are: `localTeam`, `visitorTeam`, `substitutions`, `goals`, `cards`, `other`, `corners`, `lineup`, `bench`, `sidelined`, `stats`, `comments`, `tvstations`, `highlights`, `league`, `season`, `round`, `stage`, `referee`, `events`, `venue`, `odds`, `flatOdds`, `inplay`, `localCoach`, `visitorCoach`, `group`, `trends`. """"Fetch today's fixtures, league ids=%s, includes=%s", league_ids or 'all leagues', includes) fixtures_today = self._http_get(endpoint='livescores', params={'leagues': league_ids or []}, includes=includes)'Fetched %s fixtures', len(fixtures_today)) return fixtures_today
[docs] def fixtures_in_play(self, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return in-play fixtures. Note that in-play is defined by SportMonks as fixtures currently played, plus fixtures that will begin within 45 minutes, and fixtures that ended less than 30 minutes ago. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 10. Valid objects are: `localTeam`, `visitorTeam`, `substitutions`, `goals`, `cards`, `other`, `corners`, `lineup`, `bench`, `sidelined`, `stats`, `comments`, `tvstations`, `highlights`, `league`, `season`, `round`, `stage`, `referee`, `events`, `venue`, `odds`, `flatOdds`, `inplay`, `localCoach`, `visitorCoach`, `group`, `trends`. """'Fetch fixtures in play, includes=%s', (includes,)) fixtures_in_play = self._http_get(endpoint=join('livescores', 'now'), includes=includes)'Fetched %s fixtures in play', len(fixtures_in_play)) return fixtures_in_play
[docs] def head_to_head_fixtures(self, team_ids: Iterable[int], includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return all head-to-head fixtures of two teams specified by ``team_ids``. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `localTeam`, `visitorTeam`, `substitutions`, `goals`, `cards`, `other`, `lineup`, `bench`, `stats`, `comments`, `tvstations`, `highlights`, `league`, `season`, `round`, `stage`, `referee`, `events`, `venue`, `trends`. """ team_ids = list(team_ids) endpoint = join('head2head', str(team_ids[0]), str(team_ids[1]))'Fetch head-to-head fixtures of two teams (ids=%s), includes=%s', team_ids, includes) head_to_head_fixtures = self._http_get(endpoint=endpoint, includes=includes)'Fetched %s head-to-head fixtures', len(head_to_head_fixtures)) return head_to_head_fixtures
[docs] def commentaries(self, fixture_id: int) -> Response: """Return commentaries of a fixture. Not all fixtures have commentaries. If a fixture has no commentaries then an empty list is returned. """'Fetch commentaries of a fixture (id=%s)', fixture_id) commentaries = self._http_get(endpoint=join('commentaries', 'fixture', str(fixture_id)))'Fetched %s commentaries', len(commentaries)) return commentaries
[docs] def video_highlights(self, fixture_id: Optional[int] = None, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return links to video highlights of all fixtures or of a fixture specified by ``fixture_id``. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `fixture`. """ endpoint = 'highlights' if fixture_id: endpoint = join('highlights', 'fixture', str(fixture_id))'Fetch video highlights of a fixture (id=%s), includes=%s', fixture_id, includes) else:'Fetch video highlights of all fixtures, includes=%s', includes) video_highlights = self._http_get(endpoint=endpoint, includes=includes)'Fetched %s video highlights', len(video_highlights)) return video_highlights
[docs] def standings(self, season_id: int, live: bool = False, group_id: Optional[int] = None, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return standings of a season. Parameter ``live`` specifies whether standings should also take into account in-play fixtures. Parameter ``group_id`` specifies for which group to return the standings. Groups are found in tournaments like the FIFA World Cup (e.g. Group A has group ID 185). Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `team`, `league`, `season`, `round`, `stage`. """ endpoint = join('standings', 'season', str(season_id)) if live: endpoint = join('standings', 'season', 'live', str(season_id))'Fetch standings, season id=%s, live=%s, group id=%s, includes=%s', season_id, live, group_id or 'all groups', includes) standings = self._http_get(endpoint=endpoint, includes=includes, params={'group_id': group_id})'Fetched %s standings', len(standings)) return standings
[docs] def teams(self, season_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return all teams that played during a season. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 3. Valid objects are: `country`, `squad`, `coach`, `transfers`, `sidelined`, `stats`, `venue`, `fifaranking`, `uefaranking`, `visitorFixtures`, `localFixtures`, `visitorResults`, `localResults`, `latest`, `upcoming`. """'Fetch teams of a season (id=%s), includes=%s', season_id, includes) teams = self._http_get(endpoint=join('teams', 'season', str(season_id)), includes=includes)'Fetched %s teams', len(teams)) return teams
[docs] def team(self, team_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return a team. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 3. Valid objects are: `country`, `squad`, `coach`, `transfers`, `sidelined`, `stats`, `venue`, `fifaranking`, `uefaranking`, `visitorFixtures`, `localFixtures`, `visitorResults`, `localResults`, `latest`, `upcoming`. """'Fetch team (id=%s), includes=%s', team_id, includes) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('teams', str(team_id)), includes=includes)
[docs] def team_stats(self, team_id: int) -> Response: """Return stats of a team."""'Fetch stats of a team (id=%s)', team_id) team_stats = self._http_get(endpoint=join('teams', str(team_id)), includes=['stats']) if isinstance(team_stats, dict): return team_stats['stats'] else: raise TypeError('Expected `dict`, got `%s`' % type(team_stats))
[docs] def top_scorers(self, season_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return top scorers of a season. Three types of top scorers are returned: most goals, most assists, and most cards. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 3. Valid objects are: `goalscorers.player`, `` `cardscorers.player`, ``, `assistscorers.player`, ``. """ endpoint = join('topscorers', 'season', str(season_id))'Fetch top scorers of a season (id=%s), includes=%s', season_id, includes) return self._http_get(endpoint=endpoint, includes=includes)
[docs] def venue(self, venue_id: int) -> Response: """Return a venue."""'Fetch venue (id=%s)', venue_id) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('venues', str(venue_id)))
[docs] def rounds(self, season_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return rounds of a season. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `fixtures`, `results`, `season`, `league`. """'Fetch rounds of a season (id=%s), includes=%s', season_id, includes) rounds = self._http_get(endpoint=join('rounds', 'season', str(season_id)), includes=includes)'Fetched %s rounds', len(rounds)) return rounds
[docs] def round(self, round_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return a round. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `fixtures`, `results`, `season`, `league`. """'Fetch round (id=%s), includes=%s', round_id, includes) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('rounds', str(round_id)), includes=includes)
[docs] def pre_match_odds(self, fixture_id: int) -> Response: """Return pre-match odds of a fixture."""'Fetch pre-match, fixture id=%s', fixture_id) pre_match_odds = self._http_get(endpoint=join('odds', 'fixture', str(fixture_id)))'Fetched %s pre-match odds', len(pre_match_odds)) return pre_match_odds
[docs] def in_play_odds(self, fixture_id: int) -> Response: """Return in-play odds of a fixture."""'Fetch in-play odds, fixture id=%s', fixture_id) in_play_odds = self._http_get(endpoint=join('odds', 'inplay', 'fixture', str(fixture_id)))'Fetched %s in-play odds', len(in_play_odds)) return in_play_odds
[docs] def player(self, player_id: int) -> Response: """Return a player."""'Fetch player, id=%s', player_id) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('players', str(player_id)))
[docs] def squad(self, season_id: int, team_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return a squad. A squad is a set of players that played for a team during a season. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 3. Valid objects are: `player`, `position`. """'Fetch squad of a team (id=%s) during a season (id=%s), includes=%s', team_id, season_id, includes) squad = self._http_get(endpoint=join('squad', 'season', str(season_id), 'team', str(team_id)), includes=includes)'Fetched %s squad players', len(squad)) return squad
[docs] def stage(self, stage_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return a stage. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `fixtures`, `results`, `season`, `league`. """'Fetch stage (id=%s), includes=%s', stage_id, includes) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('stages', str(stage_id)), includes=includes)
[docs] def season_stages(self, season_id: int, includes: Includes = None) -> Response: """Return stages of a season. Parameter ``includes`` specifies objects to include in the response. Maximum level of includes allowed is 2. Valid objects are: `fixtures`, `results`, `season`, `league`. """'Fetch stages of a season (id=%s), includes=%s', season_id, includes) stages = self._http_get(endpoint=join('stages', 'season', str(season_id)), includes=includes)'Fetched %s stages', len(stages)) return stages
[docs] def fixture_tv_stations(self, fixture_id: int) -> Response: """Return tv stations broadcasting specified fixture."""'Fetch TV stations boradcasting a fixture (id=%s)', fixture_id) fixture_tv_stations = self._http_get(endpoint=join('tvstations', 'fixture', str(fixture_id)))'Fetched %s TV stations', len(fixture_tv_stations)) return fixture_tv_stations
[docs] def season_venues(self, season_id: int) -> Response: """Return venues of specified season."""'Fetch venues of a season (id=%s)', season_id) season_venues = self._http_get(endpoint=join('venues', 'season', str(season_id)))'Fetched %s venues of a season', len(season_venues)) return season_venues
[docs] def markets(self) -> Response: """Return all betting markets, e.g. '3Way Result', 'Home/Away'."""'Fetch all markets') markets = self._http_get(endpoint='markets')'Fetched %s markets', len(markets)) return markets
[docs] def market(self, market_id: int) -> Response: """Return a market."""'Fetch market (id=%s)', market_id) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('markets', str(market_id)))
[docs] def coach(self, coach_id: int) -> Response: """Return a coach."""'Fetch coach (id=%s)', coach_id) return self._http_get(endpoint=join('coaches', str(coach_id)))